April 26, 2023

Ranking, DJs, and Trolling: A Deeper Look into the Music Industry

In this episode Chastity and Montana engaged in a discussion about the importance of rankings in the industry. Chastity expressed her belief that rankings hold significant value as they indicate what the audience is responding to and the level of engagement that the music is receiving. She went on to explain that this information is useful for understanding the market and for identifying trends that may be relevant for future releases.

The conversation then shifted towards the role of DJs in the industry, including radio DJs, party DJs, and wedding DJs. Chastity and Montana explored the various responsibilities that DJs have, including the promotion of artists both locally and in other towns. They discussed how DJs can be influential in helping to spread the word about new artists, and how their playlists can help to shape the musical landscape.

However, the conversation also touched upon some of the negative aspects of the music industry, particularly the prevalence of trolling. Chastity and Montana discussed the pros and cons of trolling, acknowledging that while it can be harmful and hurtful to artists, it can also generate buzz and publicity. They went on to discuss how some artists have embraced trolling as a way to generate attention and build their brand, while others have been negatively impacted by it. Overall, the conversation shed light on some of the complexities and nuances of the music industry and the various factors that can influence an artist's success.

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