March 19, 2023

KT From Anthony: KeepingThe Streets On Lock

KT From Anthony is an interesting figure. He may be 2 notches above "Humble Flexing". He shares a story how he was recently waiting in line in Stamford when someone recognized him and asked if he was KT. He was surprised, but says his friends had been gassing him up and he was excited to have been recognized. He talks about not trusting anyone and keeping his guard up. He also speaks about how he is loved and admired by many people, especially women, when he's in the club or at parties. KT is proud of his accomplishments and is not afraid to show it. His music is an expression of his emotions and experiences, and serves as a reminder to listeners to stay true to themselves.

This artist makes it clear that he does not want to be associated with Only Fans, instead promoting the free alternatives of Pornhub, Reddit, and Google. He claims that anyone who hears the song will think he is a little crazy, and that the song pairs well with activities such as making TikToks, drinking, barbecuing, and walking your dog. KT is confident that he and his movement don't need the industry to make it. He finishes with encouraging the listeners to keep their heads up during hard times and to remember that there is always someone worse off than them.

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