March 13, 2023

From A Lit Junkie To Winning: 4Federal's Journey Of Resilience

4Federal starts right away expressing his determination to succeed despite the obstacles in his life. He talks about how he is betting on himself, as he has nobody else to rely on. He also talks about how he is a black man and a felon, which makes it harder for him to get ahead. He also mentions that he has no beef with anyone, but he just doesn’t want to associate with them. He states that he wants to reach his goals and make something of himself, and that he is willing to put in the hard work and dedication needed to make it happen. 4Federal is emphasizing the importance of self-reliance and hard work in order to achieve success in life.

 He reflects on his experiences living a hard life in 2014, when he was homeless and struggling to get by. He remembers washing his clothes in the sink at the store with just a few pairs of boxers and surviving on barbecue chips,  and $0.50 sodas. Unsure of his spiritual affiliations, 4Federal has a strong belief that if you pray for something, you'll eventually get it.  Tune in now!

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