Oct. 21, 2023

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Unethical Choice: Why Companies Should Reject Anti-Palestinian

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Unethical Choice: Why Companies Should Reject Anti-Palestinian

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals recently sent out communication to all their employees in response to the disturbing attacks that occurred October 7th, 2023 in Israel.

Regeneron chose to use language that not only indicates their support for Israel, but their lack of care for Palestinian right to self determination. The irony of the company who boast on their humane treatment of lab animals, but fail to be consistent in their support for actual human life is disgusting. For instance On the 5th of August 2022, Israel launched 147 airstrikes on Gaza killing and injuring a countless number of Palestinians, and Regeneron said nothing. What about the 5th of April 2023 when Israeli police raided a mosque in riot gear, injuring a number of Palestinian people. Regeneron stayed quite. Who could possibly forget on the 9th of May 2023, when Israel conducted a series of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip killing way to many people. Where was Regeneron's moral compass then.

You see the pattern here? Now imagine if you are Palestinian, muslim, or a decent human being working for such a company who chose to speak up on behalf of Israel without ever mentioning any of the prior history. You might start to get the sense that Regeneron is Anti-Palestinian. What's that you might ask? 

Anti-Palestinian refers to prejudice, hatred, or discrimination against Palestinian people. It encompasses various forms of hostility, ranging from individual acts of discrimination to organized violent attacks. Anti-Palestinian has a long history, with instances dating back centuries. It has taken on different forms, including social, economic, and political discrimination, as well as violence and genocide. You see it in the language used by news outlets with words like “terrorist, barbaric, and inhumane”.  It is crucial to combat anti-Palestinian and promote tolerance and understanding to build a more inclusive and just society.

Anti-Palestanian is considered inhumane for several reasons. Firstly, it targets a group of people solely based on their religious beliefs and ethnic background, disregarding their individual humanity. This kind of discrimination can lead to various forms of persecution, exclusion, and violence, often with severe consequences for the targeted community.

Furthermore, anti-Palestanian has historically been linked to some of the most tragic events in human history, such as the Nakba, also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe, the destruction of the Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of majority of the Palestinian Arabs. Such acts of violence and hatred are not only destructive to the targeted community but also to the very fabric of a just and equitable society.

In a broader sense, any form of discrimination, whether based on religion, race, ethnicity, or any other characteristic, is fundamentally inhumane as it denies people their basic rights and dignity. Tolerance, understanding, and respect for diversity are crucial for building a harmonious and inclusive global community.


It is essential for companies like Regeneron to be against Anti-Palestanian for various reasons: 

Ethical responsibility: Companies have a moral obligation to promote equality and combat discrimination in all forms. Taking a stance against anti-Palestanian  reflects a commitment to upholding human rights and fostering a culture of inclusivity and respect for all individuals, regardless of their religious beliefs or background.

Social impact: Companies play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes and norms. By actively opposing anti-Palestanian , they contribute to the creation of a more tolerant and inclusive society, fostering an environment where people of all backgrounds can thrive without fear of discrimination or prejudice.

Positive workplace culture: A strong stance against anti-Palestanian fosters a supportive and inclusive workplace culture, promoting diversity and creating a sense of safety and belonging for employees of all backgrounds. This can lead to improved employee morale, increased productivity, and better overall company performance.

Reputation management: Taking a firm stand against anti-Palestanian can enhance a company's reputation and demonstrate its commitment to social responsibility. This can strengthen customer loyalty and trust, attracting a wider customer base that values ethical and inclusive business practices.

Legal compliance: Discrimination based on religious beliefs is often prohibited by law in many countries. By actively opposing anti-Palestanian , companies ensure they are in compliance with legal regulations and avoid potential legal consequences related to discriminatory practices.

Overall, standing against anti-Palestanian is not only a matter of moral obligation but also contributes to the creation of a more equitable and just society, benefiting both the company and the broader community.


Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, please be more consistent in your support for all life.