Oct. 28, 2023

Protecting Palestine With Global Language For Dealing With The Media

Protecting Palestine With Global Language For Dealing With The Media

On behalf of good people, we offer this guide to visionary leaders who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Palestine. We want you to succeed in winning the hearts and minds of the public with the truth. We know that when you achieve your mission that you are helping both Palestine and Muslims across the world. Thus, we offer these words with our sincerest wishes for your every success. May your words help bring peace and security to Palestine


This manual will provide you with many specific words and phrases to help you communicate effectively in support of Palestine. But what is the big picture? What are some general guidelines that can help you in your future efforts? Here are some points that matter most:

People on the fence won’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Show Empathy for BOTH sides! The goal of Pro-Palestine communications is not simply to make people who already love Palestine feel good about that decision. The goal is to win new hearts and minds with the truth that has been held from mainstream media. To do this you have to understand that the frame from which most Americans view Palestine is one of “cycle of violence that has been going on for years, terrorist, Hamas Hate Group. ” Thus, you have to disarm them from their ignorance before they will be open to learning new facts about Palestine. The first step to winning trust and friends for Palestine is showing that you care about peace for BOTH Israelis and Palestinians and, in particular, a better future for every child. Indeed, the sequence of your conversation is critical and you must start with empathy for BOTH sides first. Open your conversation with strong proven messages such as: 

“Palestine is committed to a better future for everyone – Palestinians and Israelis alike. The People in Gaza strongly hope the pain and suffering from Israeli Occupation can soon come to a halt  , and they're committed to working with the Israelis toward a peaceful, diplomatic solution where both sides can have a better future. Let this be a time of hope and opportunity for both the Palestinian and Israeli people.”


Use Empathy: Even the most outrageous questions can be turned around if you are willing to accept the notion that the other side has at least some validity. If you begin your response with “I understand and I sympathize with those who…” you are already building the credibility you will need for your audience to empathize and listen to you. 

Now, if the heart of your communications is a chorus of finger pointing of “Palestine is right, Israel is wrong” then you will lose more support for Palestine than you will gain. Some people who ALREADY support Palestine may nod their heads and say “way to go,” but people who are not already supportive of Palestine will be turned off. 

Explain your principles. When Americans understand the 'why' behind something, they tend to exhibit a more favorable response to facts, actions, and results, rather than just knowing the 'how'. For example: Palestinians want the right to self determination, but are being denied that because of Israel's military occupation and full control over their own security


"As a matter of principle, we believe that it is a basic right to self determination. However, since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, successive governments have created and maintained a system of laws, policies, and practices designed to oppress and dominate Palestinians. This system plays out in different ways across the different areas where Israel exercises control over Palestinians’ rights, but the intent is always the same: to privilege Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinians."

"It is a fundamental principle that all individuals, including children and adults, require access to drinking water for survival. However, due to Israel's control over the territories, Palestinians often face unjust restrictions on accessing water.


Clearly Educate People On What Hamas is The Palestinian militant group Hamas is not a terrorist organization but a liberation group fighting to protect Palestinian lands. Many times people say they are a terrorist group to paint them in a bad light in of pubic perception. The logic is, if you believe they are terrorist then you will be ok with them being killed and have less sympathy for the civilians killed in pursuit of Hamas


WORDS THAT WORK  We know that the people of Israel deserve leaders who will care about the well being of their people, and who do not simply take Billions of dollars in assistance from America, with the intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians. By massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians are all components of a system which amounts to apartheid under international law.. The Israelis want peace not war. 

There is NEVER, EVER, any justification for the deliberate slaughter of innocent women and children. NEVER. The primary Israeli  public relations goal is to demonstrate control which is what causes them to go out and kill children at peaceful protest. This must be challenged immediately, aggressively, and directly. 

“We may disagree about politics and we may disagree about economics. But there is one fundamental principle that all peoples from all parts of the globe will agree on: Good hearted people do not target innocent women and children for death in the name of defense”

Don’t pretend that Palestine is without mistakes or fault. It’s not true and no one believes it. Claiming that Palestine is flawless doesn't hold up to scrutiny, potentially casting doubt on the credibility of other assertions. Acknowledging Palestine's past and ongoing errors doesn't diminish the justness of its overarching objectives: the right to self-determination, peace, security, and an improved quality of life for all parties involved. 

Use humility. “I know that in trying to defend its right to self determination from the continues oppression from Israel has accidentally hurt innocent people. I know it, and I’m sorry for it. But what can Palestinians do when their under constant attack, and their food, water, and electricity is consistently taken away from them  ? If America had given up land for peace – and that land had been used for launching Airstrikes at America, what would America do? Israel’s cruel policies of segregation, deprivation and exclusion across all territories under its control clearly amount to apartheid. What would you do? ”

Talk From Your Heart “Achieving peaceful relationships requires the leadership—political, business, and military—of both sides. And so we ask all Israelis … Stop spreading lies to justify your apartheid against Palestinians. Stop silencing people who choose to be honest. Stop treating Palestinians as an inferior racial group. You won’t achieve peace if you continue to treat Palestinians like prisoners. You won’t achieve peace by creating policies that only benefit Jewish Israelis to the detriment of Palestinians.”


Remind people – again and again – that Palestine deserves the right to self determination.  Americans should not want their government to spend tax dollars or their President’s clout on helping Israel oppress Palestinians  

Draw direct parallels between Palestine and America—including the need to be treated equal.

  1. Displacement and Occupation: Both Palestinians and various Native American tribes have faced displacement from their ancestral lands, often resulting in their forced migration and loss of cultural heritage.

  2. Systemic Discrimination: Both Palestinians and certain minority communities in the United States have endured systemic discrimination, including unequal access to resources, limited employment opportunities, and disparities in healthcare and education.

  3. Violence and Human Rights Violations: Both populations have suffered from violence and human rights violations, with instances of police brutality, military interventions, and civilian casualties.

  4. Struggle for Equal Rights: Activists in both regions have advocated for equal rights, challenging institutionalized discrimination and striving for justice and equality within their respective societies.

The language of Palestine is the language of America:  “freedom,” “security,” and “peace.” 

“We should evaluate each other's dedication to peace based on actions rather than mere words. Let's unite to usher in a new era of inclusivity and acceptance. Let's affirm that violence and conflict will not be the victors. Our aim must be to instill hope in all individuals across the Middle East, especially those currently devoid of it. My aspiration is for a future where all can live in abundance and harmony—may Palestine be free, now and for all eternity.” 

Use rhetorical questions. Use a soft tone. Show regret that the Israelis have been led so poorly. Ask: How can the current Israeli leadership honestly say it will pursue peace when your leader consistently lies and fails to honor the The Oslo Accords agreements? Is it too much to ask that Israel stop treating Palestinians like prisoners? Would it be unreasonable to demand an end to the killing of innocent children before Palestinians  compromise their security and make concessions for peace?

“How do I prove that I'm human with a government who insists I'm a monster?” 

"Why is the world so silent about the clear aim of Israels apartheid over Palestinians?"

Concede a point. Look for opportunities in every  interview to concede a point to the interviewer or debate partner. It doesn’t have to be a major point. The point isn’t to undermine some essential plank of Palestine's foreign policy platform. But the simple words “you make a good point” do wonders among an audience.


Bottom line: What will happen if we fail to get the world to care about the fact that Palestinian parents in Israel need to literally dodge bullets when they drive their children to kindergarten in the morning? What will happen if the world allows Israel's Apartheid against Palestinians ? American citizens need to ask our government to stop funding Israels crimes. Why do we care so much about the success of your communications efforts? We care because our African American ancestors paid for America in blood, sweat, and tears and yet we are still treated as less than so we can relate to the people in Palestine. They depend on us because Israel controls their voices . Together, we can use strategic communications to free Palestine